Dogsee Activet Plus

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Give your dogs a protein-packed flavour enhancer that is guaranteed to make them fall in love with their meals. It is made with about 60% protein and 5.9% fibre that promote the overall health of your dogs by supplying essential amounts of multivitamins and calcium. This dog food seasoning is made from the finest Himalayan cheese and will help keep your dog healthy and happy!

Give your dogs a protein-packed flavour enhancer that is guaranteed to make them fall in love with their meals. It is made with about 60% protein and 5.9% fibre that promote the overall health of your dogs by supplying essential amounts of multivitamins and calcium. This dog food seasoning is made from the finest Himalayan cheese and will help keep your dog healthy and happy!.

Key Benefits

  • Enhances taste of any food
  • Made with cheese and contains calcium and multivitamins
  • Helps increase appetite and aids digestion 
Smoke-Dried Himalayan Cheese
Crude Protein -Min 60% Crude Fat- Min 1.5% Ash- Max 5% Moisture- 10% Fibres- Min 5.9%
Allow your dog to eat 2 teaspoons of it twice a day. You may either mix it in with the food or give it separately by mixing it with honey, peanut butter, or warm water, depending on your dog's preference. This protein-packed, calcium, and multivitamin supplement for dogs is a natural method to meet your dog's essential nutrient requirements.