Let’s talk about the one dog behavior that makes dog parents turn red in an instant: dog humping and dog mounting. Normally, it’s dogs humping other dogs. Other times, it’s a stuffed animal, pillow, or worse, a person’s leg.
So what does all this mean? Well dog humping and dog mounting is actually a harmless behavior. It may be cringe-worthy or embarrassing for you when your dog is the one doing the humping. But the good thing is, there are ways to stop your dog from humping and mounting everything in sight.
Why do Dogs Hump?
The best way to discourage a behavior is to understand the root cause behind the said behavior. In this case, you need to understand why dogs hump in the first place. Dog humping or dog mounting is normally thought to be for mating, but actually that’s not always the case. There are actually a few different reasons for why dogs hump.
If your dog is humping or mounting an object like a stuffed animal or pillow, it is usually a sign of excitement or over-stimulation. It’s similar to when your friends, parents, or partner surprise you with your favorite drink, food, or items. You have the gush of excitement running through your body. It’s the same feeling of excitement that’s running through your dog and they release this overwhelming feeling of excitement/over-stimulation by humping or mounting the adored object.
At times, however, this could just be your dog seeking your undivided attention especially if you immediately turn and give an exaggerated reaction. In this case, they associate humping or mounting with getting full, undivided attention from you.
Lack of Mental or Physical Stimulation
If your dog lives a pretty sedentary lifestyle, humping and mounting could be their way of releasing pent-up energy. If this is the case, ample exercise or a dental chew can help redirect their energy and discourage the humping and mounting behavior.
Dog humping or dog mounting, at times, is similar to play fighting. Some dogs play with each other by humping back and forth. This is a normal behavior (even if might be embarrassing for you) as long as the other dog seems fine. If you notice it getting out of hand, say the other dog getting angry, make sure to break it off. Normally, however, dogs can resolve this among themselves.
Medical Condition
In some rare cases, dog humping and dog mounting can be because of medical conditions such as urinary tract infections or skin allergies. This is similar to other behavior such as excessive licking of the infected area or rubbing against surfaces. It’s always best to call your vet and rule out this possibility before you start training.
How to Stop Dog Humping and Dog Mounting
If you catch your dog in the act, immediately address the situation. Say your dog’s name and command them to “Stop” and “Get Off.” The command “No” doesn’t work in this particular situation because it doesn’t tell them exactly what else to do.
To really be effective and discourage your dog from humping or mounting, follow up the command with a reward such as a treat. Dogs are normally motivated by food so giving them a treat once they stop will really help the habit stick. Treats help reframe their brain into understanding that humping and mounting is bad behavior and that if they stop, they will get a reward.
Treats to Discourage your Humping and Mounting Dog
When you’re training, you want treats that are bite-sized, easy to carry around, and easy for your dog to digest - especially if the humping and mounting is happening outside.
Dogsee Chew Fruit and Veggie Treats
These are single-ingredient treats that come in 4 different flavors: coconut, apple, banana, and beetroot. All they are just fresh fruits and veggies that are freeze-dried. Each flavor comes with its unique set of health benefits. For example, the beetroot flavor is known to help with the production of red blood cells and haemoglobin. These treats are especially great for dogs with a sensitive stomach or that are allergy-prone because you can single out the ingredient and you still have 3 other options!
Dogsee Chew Puffed Treats
Think cheeto puffs except for dogs that’s preservative-free and full of nutrients. Plus, these soft dog treats exude that cheesy flavor and have a crunchy texture that’s swoon-worthy. They are also extremely easy to break off and carry around when you’re outside. Wave this in front of your dog and they’ll stop the humping and mounting instantly. The puffy bars are especially great, if you have a senior dog or if you have a dog that has trouble chewing.
Dogsee Chew Hard Bars
If the reason your dog is humping and mounting is due to boredom, then these long-lasting dental chews have just what it takes to stop this unwanted behavior. They will provide the mental stimulation that your dog needs while helping improve their mental health by removing plaque and tartar and keeping their breath fresh. Unlike commercial dog chews, these are made from cow and yak cheese so they soften as your dog chews so you don’t have to worry about health hazards. It is important, however, to only give these to your little one under supervision.
Next time you catch your dog in the act, use our tips and redirect your little one towards a scrumptious reward - the humping and mounting will stop and your face won’t be turning bright red out of embarrassment.